Focus marketplace

marketplace in South America

Marketplace in South America: an ongoing craze

Over the past few years, e-commerce has revolutionized the retail industry worldwide, and South America is no exception. This dynamic region has seen rapid and significant growth in marketplaces, driven...

create a marketplace like lyft

Create an online marketplace like Lyft

In recent years, ridesharing platforms have emerged as a popular alternative to traditional taxi services, providing passengers with a convenient and cost-effective means of transportation. One such platform is Lyft,...

Build a marketplace like Aliexpress

Make a marketplace like Aliexpress: The B2B platform

Aliexpress has revolutionized the global B2B marketplace by connecting suppliers and buyers across continents. Creating a website similar to Aliexpress can be a challenging but rewarding endeavor. This article will...

create a marketplace like wish

How to create a marketplace like Wish ?

Wish, as we know it today, is a large and successful online e-commerce platform. Its birth and subsequent evolution offer a unique insight into the dynamics of the online marketplace,...

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